Welcome to the new Alex!
As you have probably noticed, our author encyclopedia has been given a new look. Among other things, we have worked on the main menu and our landing pages, so that users can navigate more easily. However, you don't have to worry, most things are the same and can be accessed from the same place as before.
/ The editors
Theme article
Den svenska kriminallitteraturens historia
By: Johan Wopenka
” … vill man söka den svenska kriminallitteraturens rötter och ursprung får man främst vända sig till de s.k. sensationsromaner som publicerades under sista halvan av 1800-talet och något decennium in på följande sekel. --- ”
Utökad och uppdaterad i augusti 2022
New & Reworked
December 2024
By: The editors
New and revised articles of the month.